personal pages (ru)


(c) Alexander Sokol, Riga, 2000, contacts@thinking-approach.org

Preliminary Points
How to Choose a Text
Functions of Tasks
Types of Tasks

Texts Samples
Tasks to the Texts
Students’ Works

Students' Responses



ELT Books and Articles

  1. Bolitho, Rod, Language Awareness in the English Classroom, (in: English Teaching Professional, Issue 6, January 1998, p.3-7)

  2. Calman, Mel & Duncan, Ben, Short Cuts, Using Texts to Explore English, Penguin Books, 1995.

  3. Carter, Ronald & Long, Michael N., Teaching Literature, Longman 1991.

  4. Duff, Alan & Maley, Alan, Literature (resource book for teachers), OUP 1991.

  5. Duff, Alan, Translation (resource books for teachers), OUP 1996.

  6. Graddol, David, The Future of English? (in: English Teaching Professional, Issue 9, October 1998, p.46-47)

  7. Harmer, Jeremy, Why Study Language? (in: English Teaching Professional, Issue 12, July 1999, p.3-5)

  8. Hunt, Roger, Atomistic Versus Holistic Approaches to ELT, (in: English Teaching Professional, Issue 12, July 1999, p.19)

  9. Hunt, Roger, Please Have a Sofa, (in: English Teaching Professional, Issue 7, April 1998, p. 12)

  10. Lazar, Gillian, Literature and Language Teaching, CUP 1993.

  11. Lewis, Michael, The English Verb, Language Teaching Publications, 1986.

  12. Littlejohn, Andrew, Language Learning Tasks & Education, (in: English Teaching Professional, Issue 6, January 1998, p. 10-11)

  13. Littlejohn, Andrew, Language Teaching for the Millennium, (in: English Teaching Professional, Issue 8, July 1998, p.3-5)

  14. Maley, Alan, Short Texts and How to Use Them, Penguin, 1994.

  15. Maley, Alan, Surviving the 20th Century, (in: English Teaching Professional, Issue 10, January 1999, p.3-7)

  16. McRae, John, Literature with small 'l', Macmillan Publishers 1991.

  17. Nunan, David, Syllabus Design, OUP 1991.

  18. Nunan, David, The Learner-Centred Curriculum, CUP 1998.

  19. Pulverness, Alan, Six Degrees of Motivation, (in: English Teaching Professional, Issue 11, April 1999, p.33-35)

  20. Tweddle, Sally and co, English for Tomorrow, Open University Press 1997.

Literary Sources

  1. Bach, Richard, Illusions – The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, London, Pan Books, 1978.

  2. Bach, Richard, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, (in: Eleven American Stories, Ìîñêâà, «Ìåæäóíàðîäíûå îòíîøåíèÿ», 1978)

  3. Exupery, Antoine de Saint, The Little Prince, Wordsworth Classics, 1995.

  4. Heinlein, Robert, Stranger in a Strange Land, New York, Ace Books, 1987.

  5. Heller, Joseph, Catch-22, Vintage, 1994.

  6. Huxley, Aldous, Brave New World, New York, The Modern Library, 1956.

  7. Lawrence, D.H., Lady Chatterley's Lover, New York 1959.

  8. Salinger, J D, The Catcher in the Rye, New York, Bantam Books, 1978.

  9. Segal, Erich, Love Story, New York, Signet Book, 1970.

  10. Vonnegut, Kurt, Breakfast of Champions, New York, Laurel Book, 1991.



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21 Nov 2000